Neato Robotics Campaign: Hippie Pinata
Neato Robotics Campaign: House Sitter
HP Commercial: Jane
Sony Commercial: Move
Nest Commercial: 36 Spring Street
Positive Power of Technology - Parently
HP Commercial: Reinvent Romance with R2-D2
Fun Commercial - Super Pint
The A.R. Poster (Test I)
Discover Vidit
Edison’s Nightmare
Amazing Building Projections
Amazing Visual Videomaping 3D Screen
Celebrating 10 Years Of Digital Media
Amazing Mechanical Beach Animal
The Final Flight Of The Space Shuttle
Making Of Primavera Sound
The World’s Largest LED
Running In Time
Preston College Visual And Performing Arts
Oceanears Underwater Speakers
911 Call Alzheimers Emergency Response
New System For Emergency 911 Calls
911 Call: BeamSmart
Museum Of Science And Industry Chicago
Shelby Podcast: ISC 2015 Highlights
Montblanc TimeWalker Watch
Using Non Lethal Weapon
NATO's Deployable Command Centre
Future of Anti Submarine Warfare
Redyckulous! With Microchip Technologyz
NATO Opens New Regional Headquarters
Women in Uniform
Moldova Helps Builds Peace in Kosovo
Mauritania Strengthens Crisis Response
Nemo: The Sunken Sub Saver
The Afghan Bomb Disposal School
Special Operations Medics Learn New Skills
Norwegian Army Train Afghan Medics
Saving Afghan Soldiers' Lives
Building Bridges in Paktia
Technology Footage Reel in Ultra HD
Kinetic Rain
Algae Fuel Research and Development Facility
Algal Biofuel Laboratory B-Roll
Cellulosic Biofuels Produced from Corn Cobs
Cellulosic Biomass Biorefinery–Nebraska B-Roll
Cellulosic Biomass Biorefinery–South Dakota B-Roll
California Convention Center B-Roll
Concentrating Solar Power Dish Systems B-Roll
Solar Power Parabolic Trough Systems B-Roll
Concentrating Solar Power Tower Technology B-Roll
Cool Roofs B-Roll
Efficient Commercial Buildings – Interiors B-Roll
Energy-Efficient Data Centers B-Roll
Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings-Exteriors
Ethanol Fuel Emissions Testing and Vehicle
Fuel-Efficient SuperTruck B-Roll
Fuel Cell Manufacturing B-Roll
Geothermal Energy Facilities B-Roll
Systems Installed in Commercial Buildings B-Roll
Geothermal Heat Pump Test Drilling B-Roll
Green Roofs B-Roll
Poplar Trees for Cellulosic Ethanol B-Roll